Thursday, January 8, 2009

Love/Hate relationship with Green tea icecream

I've always like to taste something new especially when it comes to food! My findings on green tea ice cream was rather interesting that I have to dedicate my first ever written blog on it. The day I taste the goodness of green tea ice cream was when I went to China-town on one weekend to eat all-you-can-eat sushi! that time I was eight months old pregnant and nothing worst than going to Japanese restaurant when you're pregnant! the only thing I can eat that time was the stuff from kitchen like terriyaki chicken, no sashimi allowed. My husband was really strict and hard on what can go to my belly, to the unborn baby. I was really hoping that I could taste a bit of the raw salmon, but my hubba won't even let me touch it. Anywho, so after the prolonging drolling over people eating sushi, the dessert came, and right there I saw and taste my green tea ice cream the first time. It was nothing like I ever tasted before. the thing about all ice cream in the market is that it's always making me wanna puke afterwards. but green tea icecream is different, I can eat and go on..and on...and on, nothing would stop me from eating this! I can finally enjoy ice cream without having the feeling of wanna barf on somebody's floor.

I came back for more, we went to that japanese restaurant just to enjoy green tea ice cream. I was actually keep looking for one in local grocery store, but they don't have this. It was a lil bit costly having to go to a sushi place for an icecream. Not until I saw a jar at my aunt's place. She didn't have any left, she kept the jar to be filled with soup instead for me to take home..but she said that chinese grocery should have one. Well, I never seen one of them at the chinese grocery, but somehow I will track them down.

It was a snowy and stromy day, the kind of day that you normally would have stay in. But not for me, I went to chinese grocery the next day my aunt told me. I went to Victoria-park and Sheppard to get one. when I got there it was only 3 jars left, so I took one and called my husband to let him know that I probably gonna get more than one jar. Not suprising that the ice cream doesn't last that long. it's gone in few crystal clean and i'm the one who eat them all up! As I scoope one from a second jar, I thought to myself Iwas not getting any sick of this thing!...very weird. The thing about me is that I can't eat too much of sugar loaded foods, I will get sick of it and remain to stay away from it. But this is different.. this is evil...baad..soo bad! that I can't even feel it in my body, my body won't react to it, won't reject this thing! Green tea ice cream is evil!